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HR for non HR Leaders (in English)
HR for non HR Leaders (in English)

HR for non HR Leaders (in English)

Target Group: All leaders (Non HR) who are also People Managers.

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On Request

Online or Offline

O události

 Why would you like to attend: 

  • Because you would like to understand basics about the HR function and also you would like to improve your People Management. 

What is this workshop about: 

  • HR strategy - what it is and why it is important
  • HR department - main responsibilities, processes (basics with explanation)
  • What HR can and can not deliver
  • Resourcing - how it is organised, how much it costs and what is your role there incl. Competency model
  • Before start and during 1st day at work - what is my role as a Leader (People Manager) 
  • Right adaptation of an employee - who does what and why
  • Compensations and benefits - base salary, bonus, financial and non-financial benefits
  • Learning and Development
  • Career path
  • Succession planning
  • HR budget and controlling (cost per FTE, salaries costs, cost of People turnover)
  • HR Marketing 
  • Employer of choice - what that means and why to become EoCh
  • HR Systems - apps, SW)
  • Outsourcing in HR (Shared service Centre)
  • Pers. Data protection
  • Discrimination
  • Trade Unions
  • Employees relations
  • Termination of an employment and the Outplacement

Course can be half day "condense" or one day long. Can be adjusted in line with a need of the company or sector specific. Course is available in Czech, English and German languages. 

As a bonus Leaders can consult their specific topics which might occur during our discussion. Can be done, of course, off line. 

For more information or order request, please call me: +420 602 470 244 or send me an e-mail: Looking forward to talking to you soon. 

Sdílet událost

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  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Matricaria Chamomilla s.r.o.                                                                                              

Ing. Dagmar Matějková Chudárková

Jednatelka společnosti

Sídlo: Jaromírova 588/32, 128 00  Praha 2, Česká Republika  

IČO: 023 62 597, DIČ: CZ023 62 597 (plátce DPH)

Spisová značka: C 218592 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze                                   

Budu se těšit na spolupráci! Níže mé kontaktní údaje. 


Tel: +420 602 470 244

Odesláním Vaší zprávy souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů dle aktuální směrnice EU  (GDPR). Váš souhlas můžete kdykoliv odvolat telefonicky, písemně nebo emailem.

Jak Vám mohu pomoci? 

Dagmar Matějková Chudárková

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